Planet Prog
(Music) with Mark Krueger 04/21/2013 09:00PM to 10:30PM
09:02PM New
Trolls Òthe Mythical CityÓ from Concerto Grosso 3
09:08PM Comedy of Errors ÒTHE ANSWERÓ from
Fanfare & Fantasy (Rock, 2013) on Comedy of Errors
09:20PM Storm Corrosion ÒStorm CorrosionÓ
from Storm Corrosion (Rock, 2012) on Roadrunner Records
09:30PM Landmarq
ÒCalm before the stormÓ from Entertaining Angels on Synergy (UK)
09:46PM STEVE WILSON ÒThe WatchmakerÓ from
The Raven That Refused To Sing (2013, added 03/31/2013) on k scope (UK)
10:01PM Ox Huitza
(Fabio Zuffanti) ÒOIÓ from Ox Huitza
10:07PM Il Castello
Di Atlante Òla Vittoria
di ErÓ from Lippogrifo
(1994) on Vinyl Magic (Italy)
10:16PM Aisles ÒThe Wharf that Holds His VesselÓ from The Yearning (Rock, 2005) on Mylodon Records (Chile)