Planet Prog Playlist 02/27/00 |
Artist | Song | Album |
Tempano | Sin Retorno | Childhood's End |
Maxophone | Six Against One | Maxophone |
Flower Kings | Garden of Dreams | Flower Power |
Praxis | La Eternidad de lo efimero | La Eternidad de lo efimero |
Eclat | Vitroil | Vol I & II |
Cast | The Mirror | Beyond Reality |
Tempano | Grillos | Childhood's End |
Gerard | Four Holes in the Ground | Keyboard Triangle |
Jadis | Falling Away | As Daylight Fades |
Pallas | Stranger | Knightmoves to Wedge |
Synopsis | Cities | Gamme |
Balleto Di Bronzo | La discesa nel cervello | Trys |
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